Meaningful Connections | Infinite Scalability


New Personalization Strategies for Agencies

New Personalization Strategies for Agencies

Real-time behavior-based personalization increases brand awareness, builds relationships and generates qualified leads. So, what are you doing to optimize your clients’ customer experience to drive engagement and conversions?

Thanks to new personalization strategies, marketers like your company can serve relevant content to website visitors based on what they clicked and where they came from. Isn’t it time you delivered a better customer experience and more accurate and relevant communications for your clients and their website visitors?

Save your seat today for the upcoming webinar New Personalization Strategies for Agencies, as Sean Leonard gives an in-depth look on how marketing agencies can make personalization work for them and their clients.

What you'll learn by viewing the webcast:

  • How leading agencies are using personalization
  • Where and how to use personalization tools
  • Increasing conversions and retainers
  • Personalization in creating story arcs, drip campaigns and more


View this webcast on-demand by completing the form below.
New Personalization Strategies for Agencies
Cost: Free

"I find ActiveDEMAND webinars well worth my time. The speakers are experienced and the topics are well presented. I've attended several online presentations and always came away with new ideas."

David B.


Featured Presenter

Sean LeonardSean Leonard,

Sean Leonard, B.Sc Eng. CompE, Msc (CompE), MBA is the CEO and founder of JumpDEMAND Inc. where he is dedicated in helping Businesses with advanced emarketing strategies, Marketing Automation Technology, sales and Marketing expertise that is simple effective, and affordable. As an entrepreneur, Sean has more than twenty-five years of successful experience launching, owning, operating and growing businesses.


Meaningful Connections | Infinite Scalability

ActiveDEMAND • 600 Crowfoot Crescent NW • Calgary, Alberta • T3G 0B4 • (800) 658 4305