Meaningful Connections | Infinite Scalability

Getting Started with ActiveDEMAND! 

The only Senior Living Customer Acquisition and Engagement Platform. Nothing else Required


Book a Meeting with Sean & Sonia


Plan a strategic discovery discussion on our Senior Living best practices with Sonia or Sean


Sean Leonard




Sonia Vachon

VP of Sales and Marketing


Meet with ActiveDEMAND

Meet with Sonia & Sean at our booth in the Exhibit Hall 

📌 Monday, Nov 4th: Exhibit Hall Wine Tasting 

📌Tuesday, Nov 5th - Noon: Exhibit Hall Lunch


Don't miss Sean's presentation on

📌 Tuesday, Nov 5th - 10:30

Increase Move-ins with Trust-Building Content AND Balance Legal Risks



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Quickly learn how to leverage Marketing Automation
to grow your occupancy at scale!